Self-knowledge: The key to finding the right career direction

1. Know yourself Has it happened with you that after desperately looking for something (e.g., keys) all over the place, you eventually found it right in your pocket or drawer? That’s exactly the case with finding a new career direction. Usually, we try to search for a new career direction by looking all around, for […]

What to Consider Before Changing Career Fields

While this is more than possible to do, it is important to remember that not all jobs and career fields are the same.  For example, just because you may make a great legal security, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are qualified to work as a nurse or another healthcare professional.  That is just one of […]

Employment News: Pathway to the Right Career Opportunities

Understanding oneself: After completion of education, the primary focus of a person is on his career and employment. It’s the employment profile of a person that defines his social stature. This is the reason why career gurus have stressed upon SWOT analysis in order to determine the career traits for anyone in particular. One must analyze […]